

Specs2 の Mockito でデフォルト引数つきのメソッドの動作定義がメソッドの呼び出し回数にカウントされる。


 Scala でモックを使用したテストコードを書くときにに Mockito を使っている。Mockitoは大変便利で、 Specs2 で使う場合は以下のように簡単にメソッドの動作を定義できる。

val mockedHoge = mock[Hoge]
val bar: Argument = new Argument()
val result: Result = new Result()
mockedHoge.foo(bar) returns result

// Write a test with mockedHoge

there was one(mockedHoge).foo(bar)



 しかしデフォルト引数が入ると話がややこしくなる。以下のコードは適切な引数を受け取ると、そこからエンティティを作成し expire time つきのレポジトリに登録するサービスクラスである。

  • EntityRegisterService.scala
package org.hal.stand

import scala.concurrent.Future

case class ExampleEntityId(value: Int)
case class ExampleEntity(id: ExampleEntityId)

class ExampleRepository {
  def set(entity: ExampleEntity, expiresInSecond: Int = 600): Future[Unit] = {

class EntityRegisterService(repository: ExampleRepository) {
  def register(id: Int): Future[Unit] = {
    // 今回は引数で与えているが本来は何らかの処理で ID とエンティティを生成する。
    val entityId = ExampleEntityId(id)
    val entity = ExampleEntity(entityId)


  • EntityRegisterServiceSpec.scala
package org.hal.stand

import org.specs2.mock.Mockito
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class EntityRegisterServiceSpec extends Specification with Mockito {
  val fakeExampleEntityId = ExampleEntityId(1234)
  val fakeEntity = ExampleEntity(fakeExampleEntityId)

  "register" should {
    "set the entity with the ID specified by the argument to the repository" in {
      val mockedRepository = mock[ExampleRepository]
      mockedRepository.set(fakeEntity) returns Future.successful()
      val service = new EntityRegisterService(mockedRepository)
      val result = service.register(fakeExampleEntityId.value)
      Await.result(result, Duration(100, MILLISECONDS)) mustEqual ()

      there was one(mockedRepository).set(fakeEntity)


[info] register should
[info] x set the entity with the ID specified by the argument to the repository
[error]    The mock was not called as expected:
[error]    exampleRepository.set$default$2();
[error]    Wanted 1 time:
[error]    -> at org.hal.stand.EntityRegisterServiceSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$3$$anonfun$apply$5.apply(MockitoTrapSpec.scala:20)
[error]    But was 2 times. Undesired invocation:
[error]    -> at org.hal.stand.EntityRegisterService.register(MockitoTrap.scala:19) (MockitoTrapSpec.scala:20)




  • EntityRegisterService.scala
package org.hal.stand

import scala.concurrent.Future

case class ExampleEntityId(value: Int)
case class ExampleEntity(id: ExampleEntityId)

class ExampleRepository {
  def set(entity: ExampleEntity, expiresInSecond: Int): Future[Unit] = {

class EntityRegisterService(repository: ExampleRepository) {
  final private val expireInSecond = 600
  def register(id: Int): Future[Unit] = {
    // 今回は引数で与えているが本来は何らかの処理で ID とエンティティを生成する。
    val entityId = ExampleEntityId(id)
    val entity = ExampleEntity(entityId)
    repository.set(entity, expireInSecond)
  • EntityRegisterServiceSpec.scala
package org.hal.stand

import org.specs2.mock.Mockito
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class EntityRegisterServiceSpec extends Specification with Mockito {
  val fakeExampleEntityId = ExampleEntityId(1234)
  val fakeEntity = ExampleEntity(fakeExampleEntityId)

  "register" should {
    "set the entity with the ID specified by the argument to the repository" in {
      val mockedRepository = mock[ExampleRepository]
      mockedRepository.set(fakeEntity, 600) returns Future.successful()
      val service = new EntityRegisterService(mockedRepository)
      val result = service.register(fakeExampleEntityId.value)
      Await.result(result, Duration(100, MILLISECONDS)) mustEqual ()

      there was one(mockedRepository, 600).set(fakeEntity)
